fenyaWMS Sage Integrated Dispatch Checking
We provide an integrated dispatch solution for Sage
Our dispatch solution integrates directly into:
- Sage 50cloud (Pastel Partner)
- Sage Business Cloud Accounting (Sage One)
- Sage 200\Evolution (Pastel Evolution)
This solution aims to ensure that the stock on order is the same as the stock going to your customer.
Key features of fenyaWMS Dispatch Checking:

- fenyaWMS prints scan sheets for each invoice.
- Invoices are downloaded to the device wirelessly.
- By scanning the product barcode, FenyaWM ensures you are picking the correct stock.
- Real-time notifications of problem stock or variances.
The stock is picked against the invoices, meaning:
- The scanner will not allow the incorrect items to be scanned.
- The scanner will verify whether the correct quantities are being picked.
Capture lot numbers, serial numbers & expiry dates on the device.
- In this case the details must match 100% for the process to continue.
Print dispatch labels:
- These will detail, among other things, the date and time of dispatch.
In addition to the general picking process mentioned above, fenyaWMS:
- Tracks the time spent picking each invoice.
- Tracks the user who picked the invoice.
- Tracks when the invoice is processed.
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