A Modern Stock Taking System to Save Time and Reduce Errors

The conventional stocktake is slow, labour-intensive and prone to mistakes. However, a novel integrated stock taking system can now streamline the process. It is vital for any business engaged in the sale of goods to maintain a close check on the numbers of each item held in stock. However, those figures constantly change due to sales, returns, transfers, and goods received. Maintaining an accurate tally on the fly is difficult, if not impossible, creating a “Nightmare on Market Street” scenario.
Modern check-out technology can ease the difficulties at retail outlets by updating numbers arising from sales and returns but provides no support with other types of stock movements. However, manual counts are often the only option for the staff of a large warehouse or wholesaler responsible for supplying multiple sales outlets.
A retail store’s manual stock taking system will typically operate outside regular business hours, adding overtime payments to their routine operating costs. The practice also means staff are often tired after a busy shift and, therefore, more likely to make mistakes.
It is, therefore, fortunate that FenyaSoft has developed an alternative solution to overcome the human error hurdle while saving time and effort when dealing with the more demanding aspects of the stock take.
About the FenyaWMS Sage Barcoded Stock Take System
The suffix WMS stands for “warehouse management system” and refers to an innovative software-based stock control system. While the primary function of this system is to eliminate avoidable errors and provide faster, more accurate stock take results, it can also be integrated into various popular accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP) packages, including Sage 50cloud, Sage 200 and Sage 300.
The addition of integration software transforms the base functions of this stock taking system into a fully automated real-time record of stock movements and status that can be shared with and updated by branches over a wide area network. The key to these functions lies in the combination of the following widely-used technologies:
Why Choose the FenyaSoft Stock Taking System?
We are software integration leaders with over 35 years in the field and can provide standard or bespoke solutions to meet your unique business requirements. Contact us to learn how to take the hard work out of your next stock take.
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